Battery Hill is a property of Manganese X Energy Corp., which is located in the Canadian province of New Brunswick, and its importance at present is major.
This site is currently considered one of the best mining jurisdictions in the country, as well as being the cradle of one of the minerals that have a greater demand for the construction of large storage batteries: manganese.
It is worth mentioning that Manganese X Energy Corp. is one of the Canadian companies that has a good growth thanks to the exploitation of this mineral, and seeks investors to further develop their research and improve their extraction processes.
The Battery Hill project
Covering an area of 1,188 acres, it occupies five areas where manganese iron exists, including Iron Ore Hill, Moody Hill, Sharpe Farm, Maple Hill and Wakefield. It is estimated that this area harbors diverse iron formations that collectively constitute one of the largest manganese resources in North America, approximately 194 million tons to be exploited and brought to the various world industries that require it.
The property is in total legal order, because in New Brunswick an exploration license is known as a “correct number”. Battery Hill is officially called Jacksonville, and the correct number is 5816.
Earlier this year, Perry MacKinnon Consulting conducted a Technical Report on Manganese Occurrences under the Exploration License 5816 located near Woodstock, New Brunswick. The objective: to provide an independent and complete assessment of the manganese potential at Battery Hill.
The documents show results on the work of historical and current surface, and analyzes a drilling that was carried out in 2011. Although this territory has been exploited since 1896, this latest report reveals that the surface and its depths remain viable for exploitation, and that manganese grades are of high economic interest.
The project of Battery Hill for the next years is to carry out a responsible exploitation of manganese and other minerals that are in the process, with the idea of making this area of Canada one of the potential suppliers of this product for the creation of Future large energy storage batteries.
The idea is that being one of the top sellers of this material for companies like Tesla, looking to create improved batteries for the use of cars and smart homes, have a round business in the coming years. Hence the importance of investing in companies such as Manganese X Energy Corp., and obtaining good returns on investment, as well as being an important driver of new technologies that improve the sustainability of the world.