October 17th, 2018 is date when cannabis becomes officially legal for both medical and recreational use in Canada. The rallies have come a long way.
Just before elections in 2015, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a lot of forward thinking promises to Canadians, one of which was the legalization of cannabis, owing to its medicinal potency and economic value. In a few days from now, that promise would be made good. History will be made as Canada becomes the first North American country and the one of the G7 to adopt a relaxed legal regime on cannabis.
As we count down to the D-day, we would like to examine the cannabis act with a view to intimating you on what is and what is not legal with cannabis in Canada.
You must respect the laws of the province, territory or Indigenous community you are in, whether you are a visitor or live there.
Individual municipalities may also pass bylaws to regulate the use of cannabis locally. Check your municipality for local information.
First off, as of today, it still is illegal to buy, possess or use cannabis for anything other than authorized medical or research purposes.
With that being understood, let’s get on to business.
For the purpose of clarity, we will divide the categories into cultivation, possession and use.
What’s Legal?
When the act comes into place, adults would be allowed to cultivate up to 4 cannabis plant per household (not person).
What’s not legal?
Operating a cannabis greenhouse farm or cultivation in excess of the proscribed quantity without a producers’ license.
What’s Legal?
Adults are allowed to carry up to 30g of dried cannabis (or its equivalent) in a “public space”, which means that’s all you can buy at any one time. Note that “public space” includes your personal vehicle. If you’re caught out in public with more than 30g, you can face up to five years in prison.
It is illegal now and will remain illegal to take any amount of cannabis across Canada’s international borders.
Young people under 18 are restricted from the possession and or use of the drug. Adults who in consort with youth commit cannabis offences risk far greater penalties.
What’s not legal?
The possession and use of cannabis in public. Possession exceeding the limit will attract strict penalties. The possession of the drug by anyone under the age of 18. And when used as medicine, patients must be in possession of their doctors’ prescription and medical cannabis card.
All minors who are administered cannabis medication must have a legal guardian present, doctor’s prescription and medical cannabis card whenever they are in possession of the drug.
What’s Legal?
Many have asked the question of smoking and or use of medical cannabis in public or at work. The law requires employers to accommodate medicinal users of cannabis and view them as they would any individual with disability.
Adults are allowed to possess up to 30g on their person at any time.
Legal pot shops and smoking bars are places where cannabis can be consumed without harm or limitations.
What’s not legal?
Smoking on the job or in public. Public smoking rules that apply to tobacco still apply and with additional proscriptions against public intoxication. Provinces can still implement special laws to limit public cannabis use and exposure.
Young people 18 and below are not allowed to consume cannabis for recreation.
Although full legalization will take effect from October 17th 2018, certain restrictions still apply for one; pre-made edibles or other cannabis extracts would remain illegal until exactly one year after the Cannabis Act comes into effect, sometime in 2019.
For us FSD Pharm, (OTCPK:FSDDF)(HUGE:CN)(HUGE:CNX) we remain at the forefront of setting the pace for quality cannabis products, innovation and information. We are a leading licensed cannabis producer and a medical cannabis company of repute.