The race is on; who gets there first will be determined by how quickly you start. The days of seeing the Cannabis industry as an illegal venture managed and peddled by hippies and gun-banging gangsters are all gone.
Medical and recreational Marijuana/Cannabis is here to stay. With more States signing on the pot, it’s best you change your perception of the herb.
Right, just like every industry there are concerns, we all have them. But here’s something they didn’t tell you, Marijuana industry is filled with legit people who have not only built careers but sustainable businesses. Key professionals from Researchers, banking executives, financial experts to interior design specialists are in the game.
With sales expected to reach 22 Billion Dollars by 2020, and several more millions on professional services like Lawyers, Accountants, Insurance consultants and human resources specialist, we can no longer shy away from the huge possibilities the Cannabis industry now holds for the Economy. So many opportunities for Entrepreneurs, Investors and Policymakers.
Besides the Government leveraging on the massive tax returns the Marijuana industry now rakes in, some other sub-sectors in the economy are now thriving as a result of the pot rush, below are some examples of sub-sectors of the Economy gaining massive opportunities.
- Online Entrepreneurs: Leafly, Weedmap, and need advisors have created an online business by delivering medical marijuana.
The caveat to using this websites is your location must be licensed for either Medical or Recreational Marijuana use.
Other areas like blogs, stores review sites are all making huge economic gains from the pot rush.
- Cannabis retailers: Retailers are a critical part of any Industry, and the Marijuana industry is no exception. Once the herb is processed, you’ll also need retailers to sell to final consumers. Selling the herb is pretty simple, it can be done online like weed map, or setting up a local store
- Packaging Industry: Yet another subcategory that is thriving from the pot rush. Retailers, Growers, and Distributors all need proper packaging. Packaging modes range from
- Jars
- Bottles
- Vials
- Customs packaging
- Wrappers and Bubblers
Anyone who chooses to venture into Marijuana packaging should ensure that it complies with Government regulations, making sure packaging is Childproof, tamper-proof, resealable and properly labeled.
Innovative opportunities have also been seen in recyclable packagings such as compostable cellophane bags, and compostable pouches.
- Delivery Service: The internet is making Marijuana delivery seamless.
While it is true that cannabis delivery will reduce the need for storefront sale, advantages such as improved security and childproof packaging make it a reliable business to invest in.
- Cannabis Growing: A critical part of the marijuana industry. The pot rush has brought with it the need for increased cultivation. Millions of square feet in Canada, the United States, and Europe are being mapped out to meet the increasing demand. Cannabis cultivation is mostly done indoors with the use of hydroponics, many of these farmers grow their product in state-of-the-art indoor warehouses with clean-room environments that resemble pharmaceutical production facilities more than traditional conventional agriculture.
More jobs, more income. It is expected that the new sub-sector of the Cannabis industry will create over 300,000 new jobs.The hype is everywhere. Profits keep rising, and with legislation knocking profits are expected to increase even further.
Boosting economic and creating a sustainable business moving into the future. Looking for Stocks to buy? You could join companies that are interested on investing in cannabis, such as FSD Pharma (OTCPK:FSDDF) (C.HUGE) (HUGE:CNX) and you could be part of this massive movement.